John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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A Movie Meme (of sorts)

This one is courtesy of frabjousdave, and I really like this.

1. You may choose any one of the following movies, which I've recently watched (or watched again), to request a post about the film. You will notice that I am not telling folks which of these films I really loved by marking them with an asterisk.

2. If you make this request, you must list on your LJ at least five films you've seen recently and be prepared to post about the one of my choosing, preferably with some variation of these rules and a meme callback.

3. If I call on you for a post and you make one, you can pick another film, and so on. I reserve the right to cry "Uncle!" if I get overwhelmed. You should, too.

The Asphalt Jungle
The Big Sleep
Gun Crazy
Kansas City Confidential
Murder, My Sweet
The Narrow Margin
Out of the Past
The Set-Up
Storm Fear

Yes, I've been watching a *lot* of a specific genre lately! :)
Tags: meme, movies

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