John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Saturday Morning

Woke up this morning to the aftermath of the snow storm yesterday.

Lots of white stuff outside. Made my eyes hurt.

Had a fried egg on toast for breakfast for the first time in a month or so. Goddess, that tasted good! Took care of a couple of things laundry-wise, and then made the bed and cleaned up the bedroom a bit. (No comments, okay?)

Debating going out to clean off the car and take it for a drive to the grocery store, but I must have done something to my back, as the pain in my lower back is spiralling around my left thigh and down the leg. I'll likely make a trip to get some yogurt and croissant at the store. Need some fresh air.

In the meantime, other stuff to do.
Tags: back pain, breakfast, bulging disc, food hut, grocery shopping, life, ottawa, personal, weather

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