John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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RPG Thought of the Day

I love the indie roleplaying game producers. They come up with some really neat concepts, stuff that is not mainstream and definitely "outside the box" from the creativity point of view. They produce a slick, very nice product that has good production values and good binding. They tend to think in terms of quality, not quantity, and thus don't churn out product after product after product.

I hate the indie roleplaying game producers. While the rule and supplement books they produce are usually superb, their products are almost impossible to get hold of, especially if you live outside the city where the game folks actually live. Or if you live in a country like Canada, where the distribution of indie games not produced in Canada sucks!

Yes, I am peeved! :<

That is all.
Tags: rpg chat

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