John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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The Return of Winter

Hmmm, it seems that winter has returned to the Ottawa valley.

I woke up this morning to the sound of wind and icy pellets striking the windows of my bedroom. When I got up and looked outside (sorry, no photos taken), I saw that winter has returned here in mid-April with ice and snow, more ice it seems than snow, and the wind outside was quite...brisk. It's also quite cold with the wind chill factored in. It looks quite treacherous out there for walking as well.

I'm happy to be working from home at the moment, even if I'm not thrilled with the reasons for doing so. And it turns out that many of my fellow co-workers have called in sick or are working from home (where possible).

Not sure what the rest of the day and evening will bring. However, one step at a time.
Tags: freezing rain, ottawa, personal, snow, weather, winter, work

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