John Kahane (jkahane) wrote,
John Kahane

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Getting Ready for Sunday Gaming

Just getting ready for this afternoon's gaming session with the Sunday gaming group.

I need to do a bit of vacuuming in the house on the upper floor, but that needs to wait until spross can help me out with moving some of the furniture in the living room, as my back pain is seriously on the bad side today (despite taking the Robaxacet this morning).

As is my usual form on the weekend after CanGames, we'll be doing some board games today, though I'm not sure what we'll be doing yet. In addition, I've got a potential new player coming out this afternoon, Amanda, a friend of my Smith Falls' fellow, knightbane, so this will be a good chance to get to know her, talk about various things as we play the board games, and all that stuff.

Looking forward to this afternoon.

(Now, if I could just find another one or two players to join the Sunday gaming group, I'd be happy.)
Tags: back pain, board games, bulging disc, gaming hut, health hut, new player, personal, sunday gaming group

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